•Born in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
• Experience Restorer art from 1997 to date.
• In 2005 I participated in the restoration project of the Teatro Degollado in Guadalajara, Jalisco (Eagle Restoration of Monuments).
• In 2006 I participated in the restoration project of The Regional Museum Moreña in La Barca Jalisco (Restoration paint ornamentation and master bedroom ceiling).
• Today participate in the next phase of restoration Moreña The Regional Museum in La Barca Jalisco with the restoration project of the Mural Painting of the museum, a work that is attributed to the painter muralist Gerardo Suarez.
• Education:
Mechatronics Engineering for the Industrial Technical Education Center (CETI).
• First Place Award in the National Award for Painting Jose Atanasio Monroy 2007.
Collective Work Selected National Award of Painting Athanasius Jose Monroy